online community

Collect real-time and reliable insight to maximise student experience, engagement and retention.

As a result of the pandemic, student support needs are changing more rapidly than ever, and there has never been a greater need for real-time insight to safeguard against non-continuation.

The usual sources of engagement data such as ID card tap-ins or library book loans are no longer available to identify at-risk students. Meanwhile, students can log-in but immediately check-out of online lectures.

Covid is likely to impact on graduate employment levels, increasing the importance of student retention data as a measure of your student experience and engagement.

If these seismic shifts have left you with inadequate or unreliable insight surrounding student experience, engagement and retention, we can help.

Minimise the Covid-effect and truly understand how your students engage using online communities

  • Capture more than just a ‘snapshot’ of the student experience using online forums that allow a deep dive into the myriad of issues affecting students over an extended period of time
  • Reveal behaviour that students may not be willing or able to convey with traditional research methods, through the use of innovative techniques
  • Capture your student voice in an authentic and social way, that matches their preferred engagement style, creates a sense of belonging and supports wellbeing
  • Respond quickly to the fast-changing landscape and remedy concerns rapidly using real-time insight
  • Observe a working example of creating ‘a successful home’ for online student communities

How online communities work

Recruiting from your student body, we’ll create a virtual forum that will home students for up to 6 weeks.

You’ll be able to explore issues of your choice, including:

  • The general impact of Covid on academic and social university life
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Self-reported levels and preferred methods of engagement
  • Short-term and long-term concerns
  • Attitudes to moving to online learning
  • Understanding and perception of government and institutional guidance

Using multi-media technology, you’ll experience student behaviours and their context immersively through specially designed tasks and activities such as:

  • Online diaries
  • Recorded encounters with other students for example on their course, in their accommodation or logged on to an online lecture
  • Annotation of shared stimulus e.g. university communications to students on Covid

Want to hear more?

If you’d like more information about how an IFF Online Community could help boost your student experience, engagement and retention, complete the form on the right for more details or to arrange a no-obligation chat with one of our higher education research team.