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Discover a new way to measure graduate success with Graduate Index

Until now the reporting of successful higher education outcomes has focused mainly on employment – how many graduates are in paid work, whether they’re in ‘professional’ occupations, and what salary they earn. But this only showcases a part of the impact higher education can have.

If you want a broader picture of graduate success then Graduate Index could help. 

Using insight collected from 7 personal and social measures, Graduate Index can help you:

  • Sell the student experience that you offer to prospective students in a more rounded and impactful way
  • Provide important context to existing datasets like Graduate Outcomes and LEO
  • Offer valuable and powerful careers advice based on real-life experiences of fulfilled graduates
  • Develop and strengthen alumni networks through a better understanding of what matters to your graduates

Discover what the initial pan-sector survey revealed

In summer 2021 IFF surveyed graduates from across the UK to enable analysis by university group, subject, occupation and key graduate groups. Download the inaugural pan-sector report to learn more.